
3D Titanium Shoes Save the Day for Holly the Horse

by Savitha C Muppala on Dec 19 2013 11:53 PM

 3D Titanium Shoes Save the Day for Holly the Horse
New 3D printed titanium shoes are helping Holly the horse to be back on her feet again.
Holly the horse suffers from an inflammatory condition called laminitis.

Recent use of 3D printing technology has helped alleviate this condition for Holly the horse who received shoes made from titanium. This has brought relief to some of her difficulties in walking.

Laminitis can be serious as it can cripple the horse and result in permanent lameness or euthanasia.

Holly, has been a victim of laminitis for the last three years. After being fitted with the new titanium shoes by Dr Wells-Smith, the horse has improved a lot and could be seen trotting.

Dr Wells-Smith the person who designed this shoe has praised 3D printing technology and its ability to make the shoe highly specialized.

Dr Wells-Smith said, “In the case of Holly, we actually put a curve to the bottom of the shoe so the horse can rock forward and change the angle of its foot to suit how comfortable it is. So it's kind of like a self-adjusting orthotic for the horse.”

John Barnes, Titanium Technologies Theme Leader said, “The flexibility 3D printing offers from a manufacturing perspective is that the detail is infinite, so we can really produce a wide variety of very detailed or unique or customized components very easily.”

