
Child's Future Height Calculator

Curious about how tall your child might be when they grow up? Use this accurate and easy-to-use Child Height Predictor Calculator to estimate your child's potential adult height.

Calculate Child's Future Height

Unit :
Metric (kg & cm)     US (pounds & feet)
Gender *
Boy  Girl
Father's Height *
Feet Inches
Mother's Height *
Feet  Inches
* Required

In many cultures, height is often associated with greater confidence and social status, making it natural for parents to wonder if their child will reach their full growth potential.

Our calculator utilizes scientifically-backed formulas to predict future height, taking into account key factors such as the height of both parents.

Start exploring your child's growth potential today and predict your child's future height using our calculator!


The Role of Genetics and Environment in Determining Child's Height

To a large extent, the height of your child is genetically determined. It is estimated that DNA sequence variants determine about 80 percent of an individual's height. The other 20 percent is influenced by environmental factors and also on the nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy(1).
However, predictions can never be always accurate. In an interview, Professor Tim Frayling, who was involved in a large study on this subject, said, "It's common knowledge that people born to tall parents are more likely to be tall themselves."


Key Growth Milestones: Understanding Timelines for Height Potential

Most boys reach their full height potential by the age of 16 to 17 years, and girls by 14 to 15 years. This age marks the end of puberty. After 19 years, chances of gaining any height would be very unusual(2).
No matter what the outcome is, the paramount objective is to ensure the child's happiness, activity level, and health to foster their full life potential. This will also contribute to the child's height development.

FAQs about Future Height Calculator of Child

Many parents are curious to learn about their child's potential height, as a taller height is often linked with higher social standing in different societies and cultures. Predicting a child's future height and identifying the contributing factors can be somewhat complex. "Future Height Calculator" is a predictive online tool that will give you an indication but may not be 100% accurate. Here are FAQs that are likely to answer your questions and enhance your understanding of this topic.
    1. How tall will my child be in the future - formulas used in child height predictor ?

      There are several formulas available that can estimate your child's future height by considering the height of both parents - the mother and the father. Despite the availability of prediction formulas, it's important to note that predictions may not always be accurate. The Khamis-Roche method, mid-parental height formula, and linear regression analysis method are the most common and popular methods for predicting a child’s target height.
      a. Professor Tim Frayling, who participated in a significant study on this subject, mentioned that it's commonly known that children born to tall parents are more likely to be tall themselves.
      It is believed that in adulthood, a male child will be twice the height he was at 24 months. A girl will grow to be twice the height she was at 18 months. This is only an approximate calculation and not an accurate prediction (3).
      b. Another way to predict height is to take the average height of the parents and then, for boys, add 2.5 inches or 6.5 cm and for girls, subtract 2.5 inches.
    2. What are the factors affecting height?

      • Genetic and Environmental factors:
        The role Genetics and Environmental Factors in determining the future height of the child is an important genetic potential height predictor, with approximately 80 percent being attributed to DNA sequence variants. Environmental factors and the mother's nutritional status during pregnancy contribute to the remaining 20 percent of a child's height. Other non-genetic or environmental factors include habits like smoking or the use of hazardous substances during pregnancy (4).
      • Ethnicity:
        Genetic Variations by Ethnicity: Different ethnic groups may have genetic variations that influence height potential.
      • Nutrition:
        Proper Nutrition during Growth Periods: Adequate nutrition, especially during childhood and adolescence, is crucial for optimal growth. A well-balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals supports the development of bones and tissues.
        Protein Intake: Protein is essential for the development of muscles and bones. A deficiency in protein can hinder growth.
      • Hormones:
        Growth Hormone: The growth hormone, produced by the pituitary gland, plays a key role in regulating growth during childhood and adolescence. Any imbalance or deficiency in growth hormone can affect height.
        Thyroid Hormones: Thyroid hormones also influence growth. Thyroid disorders that disrupt hormone production can impact height.
      • Environmental Factors:
        Early Childhood Environment: Adverse conditions during early childhood, such as malnutrition, infections, and chronic illnesses, can stunt growth.
        Living Conditions: Socioeconomic factors, access to healthcare, and overall living conditions can influence a child's growth potential.
      • Health Conditions:
        Chronic Illness: Chronic illnesses or conditions that affect the absorption of nutrients or overall health can impact growth.
        Bone Disorders: Certain genetic or acquired bone disorders, such as skeletal dysplasias, can affect height.
        Physical Activity: Exercise and Physical Activity: Regular physical activity and exercise contribute to overall health and can positively impact bone density and growth.
        Adequate Sleep: Sufficient and quality sleep is essential for growth, especially during childhood and adolescence when growth hormone is predominantly released during sleep.
    3. What is the best indicator of height?

      The best indicator of height is genetic potential, primarily determined by the height of biological parents.
    4. How many gene variants are there that contribute to the height of a child?

      It is estimated that there are more than 700 gene variants that determine the height of an individual (5).
    5. What is responsible for the spurt of height during puberty?

      The growth of the long bones of the lower limbs is primarily responsible for the spurt in height during puberty. At the end of puberty, the hormones close the growth plates in the long bones (6) and the growth stops.
    6. By what age does the child stop gaining height?

      Boys: Generally, most boys reach their maximum height potential by the age of 16 to 17.
      Girls: typically reach theirs by 14 to 15. These ages signify the end of puberty.
    7. By what age is a child unlikely to grow tall?

      It is highly unlikely for individuals to gain significant height after the age of 19.
    8. What is the influence of nutrition on the final height of a child?

      Nutritious food is an important determinant of the final height of a child. A child who is well-nourished and active is likely to be taller than a child on a poor diet (7).
      Eggs are a good source of protein. Studies in developing countries have shown that children who are regularly fed with at least one egg a day are taller than children who do not get this daily nutrition (8).
      In developing countries, it has been estimated that poor nutrition and hygiene cause an estimated 145 million children under the age of five to have stunted growth.
    9. How do you measure height accuracy?

      The measurement of height typically involves:
      Measurement Tool: Height is usually measured using a stadiometer, a device that is specifically designed for this purpose. A stadiometer consists of a vertical ruler and a sliding horizontal rod or headpiece that is adjusted to rest on top of the person's head.
      Electronic Devices: Digital stadiometers are used in some setups. This device can provide more precise readings and can sometimes automatically record the measurement.
    10. Can height vary depending on the time of the day?

      Yes, the time of day can affect height measurements slightly due to the compression of spinal discs over the course of the day. A person is taller in the morning compared to the night. Hence, for consistency, it is advisable to measure height at the same time of day if repeated measurements are required.
    11. What is the mechanism or procedure for measuring height?

      To ensure that the height is measured accurately, follow these measures:
      The individual stands barefoot with their back against the stadiometer, with the heels, buttocks, shoulders, and back of the head in contact with the vertical board of the stadiometer.The feet should be flat on the ground, with toes pointing forward, and legs straight. The child is asked to look straight ahead with the line of sight parallel to the floor.The horizontal rod or headpiece is then gently lowered until it firmly rests on top of the head, compressing the hair if necessary.
      Units of Measurement for height are commonly measured in centimeters or inches. In the metric system, it is recorded in centimeters (cm), while in the United States, it is often recorded in feet and inches.
    12. Can exercises help increase height?

      Generally, physical activities and exercises are the best way to keep your child active and healthy. However, there is no evidence that activities and exercises like hanging, climbing, or swimming can increase height.
    13. What hormone increases height?

      Yes, there is a role for growth hormones in increasing the height of a child.
    14. Which gland secretes growth hormone?

      The pea-sized pituitary gland in the brain is responsible for the secretion of growth hormone. The hormone is secreted in a pulsatile fashion under the regulation of two peptides; one stimulates and the other inhibits its secretion. It's the anterior lobe of the pituitary that secretes the hormone.
    15. How do growth hormone injections improve height of Child?
      Growth hormone injections can help stimulate growth and increase height in children who have a documented growth hormone deficiency (GHD) of these hormones. Mostly, it can be genetic factors or certain medical conditions like Turners or chronic kidney diseases in a child, or the cause maybe unknown (9).
      Growth hormone injections for children with GHD are typically administered once daily. The injections are usually given subcutaneously (under the skin) using a small needle and syringe. An auto-injector pen is available for self-administration. The injections are given over several years (10).
      The average height gain achieved through growth hormone therapy in children with deficiency is approximately 4 to 5 cm (1.6 to 2 inches) per year during the first few years of treatment. However, the height gain gradually tapers off over time. Generally, individual responses can vary, as some children may experience greater or lesser height gains (11).
      Consult a pediatric endocrinologist if you wish to consider this for your child.
    16. In which genetically related condition is an individual likely to be of short stature?

      The rare condition that causes short stature, called achondroplasia, is due to a defect in genetics caused by a mutation in the FGFR3 gene (12). It is affecting the protein in the body called the fibroblast growth factor receptor. Due to this abnormal function of the fibroblast, the growth of bone in the cartilage of the growth plate is slowing down.
      In Turner syndrome (TS), too, there is growth failure among girls, with a mean spontaneous adult height ranging between 136 and 147 cm (4ft 5 inches to 4ft 9 inches) , which means they are shorter than their peers (13).
    17. Does toddler height predict adult height?

      The height of a child after the age of 2 is typically indicative of their eventual adult height. One approach to estimating adult height involves doubling the child's height at age 2. In the case of girls, who tend to mature faster, doubling their height at 18 months is also considered. It's important to note, however, that there is no research confirming the precision of this method.
    18. Do heavy babies grow tall?

      The relationship between a baby's birth weight and their eventual adult height is complex, and there is no straightforward correlation. While some studies suggest a weak association between birth weight and later height, it's essential to consider various factors influencing growth and development.

  • 1. Genetics of human height
    ( )
  • 2. Growth and normal puberty
    ( )
  • 3. An Overview of Anatomical Considerations of Infants and Children in the Adult World of Automobile Safety Design
  • 4. Essential Nutrition Actions
    ( )
  • 5. Is height determined by genetics?
    ( )
  • 6.  Pubertal growth and epiphyseal fusion.
    ( )
  • 7. Nutrition and growth.
    ( )
  • 8. Child height gain is associated with consumption of animal-source foods in livestock-owning households in Western Kenya.
  • 9. Effect of growth hormone treatment on the adult height of children with chronic renal failure. German Study Group for Growth Hormone Treatment in Chronic Renal Failure.
    ( )
  • 10. Guidelines for growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I treatment in children and adolescents: growth hormone deficiency, idiopathic short stature, and primary insulin-like growth factor-I deficiency
    ( )
  • 11. Growth Hormone Therapy for Short Stature: Is the Benefit Worth the Burden? 
    ( )
  • 12. Achondroplasia
    ( )
  • 13. Growth hormone plus childhood low-dose estrogen in Turner's syndrome.
    ( )

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Lolll, India - Jun 26, 2024

I am an 11 year and 7months old boy and i am rn almost 4 '10'..... My mother is 5 '8' My Father is 5 '9' According to the site, I am gonna be from 5 '7' to 6 '3'.... Is it true?

karthik0119, India - Jul 29, 2024

i am 16 yrs old and i am 5'10 can i grow to my maximum potential height 6'1

shreya_2007 - Jun 19, 2024

Hey, my daughter is 11 years old and already 5'8". Although her potential range is written 5'2" to 5'8". Now, she rarely began puberty which means she would grow even taller. what is wrong here?

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Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma
Dr. Ashok Kumar Sharma
45 years experience
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Dr. Arti Pawaria
Dr. Arti Pawaria
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Dr. Pramod Kulkarni
Dr. Pramod Kulkarni
38 years experience
Smile Kids Clinic, swargate signal
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Dr. Radha Rajpal
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