Australian women are more stressed out than men, discovered a recent poll.

At the other end of the scale, the poll found only 9 per cent of women and 11 per cent of men could report feeling 'no stress'.
Lifeline chief executive Dawn O'Neil said that the figures were not surprising as twice as many women also called Lifeline's support hotlines than men.
"Our research indicates that in just about every aspect of life women are experiencing higher levels of stress," quoted O'Neil as saying.
"This isn't to say that men are not stressed, in fact stress is a major issue for our whole community.
"But often women neglect their own self care, putting themselves at the bottom of the list after work, family and friends," O'Neil added.
Women reported narrowly higher levels of stress than men across every category except for work, where 25 per cent of men nominated the top level 'a lot of stress' compared to 22 per cent of women.
For both genders, work and the future were the cause of most stress while health and relationships were the root of less concerns.
During the study, nine per cent of women admitted that their relationship caused a lot of stress compared to just 5 per cent of males.