The earliest face-selective responses, those recorded approximately 170 milliseconds after seeing a face, are altered in people with congenital prosopagnosia.

‘The causes of congenital face blindness can be traced back to an early stage in the perceptual process. And even life-long contact with other people does not enable affected persons to compensate for this face recognition deficit.’

Results showed that even life-long contact with other people does not enable affected persons to compensate for this face recognition deficit. This would suggest that the underlying neural mechanisms are divided into distinct, closed units, making it impossible for other areas of the brain to take over their function. 

A better understanding of cognitive processes is not only important in the field of medicine, but also in other areas of research, such as robotics, where such knowledge may be able to provide 'biological inspiration' for the development and improvement of technological systems.
The findings were published in PLOS ONE.