
Waistline can be a good predictor of diabetes

by Medindia Content Team on Apr 15 2005 6:21 PM

A Swedish research team had found out that increasing waistline might give the early signals for diabetes or cardiac diseases.

People having a waistline of 39 inches or more may already be on their way to insulin resistance or other related diseases. The study, which assessed that body measurements as a biological marker for disease prediction, says it is possible to do so especially in the case of insulin sensitivity.

Assessing 2,746 male and female populations aged from 18 to 72 years and with body mass index of 18 to 60, were related to the waist circumference that measured from 65 to 150cms. Records were taken for height, weight, and waist and hip as was taken from blood samples to determine insulin sensitivity.

The results proved that waistline might be taken as a strong marker for insulin sensitivity. People with a waistline of 102cms in men and 88cms in women show very little risk of heart disease, while people with waistline, which are more, had an increasing tendency of having more risk for cardiac problems.

The study was published in the current issue of British Medical Journal.
