It's a known fact that vegetarian diet helps fight cancer, but a new research suggests that plants may protect us from cancer in a far more novel way - they may block a cancer's ability to grow.

Plant foods are high in antioxidants, and antioxidants can protect DNA from damage that can lead to malignant transformation.
As per the new study, vegetarian food can block cancer's ability to grow via a procees called angiogenesis, a tissue's ability to grow new blood vessels, reports the Age.
If the process of angiogenesis goes awry, new blood vessels don't form when they are needed, or blood vessel formation continues out of control.
Researchers have developed some drugs that can help to shrink tumour growth or even reduce the spread of cancer by inhibiting angiogenesis.
Scientists like William Li, a researcher who heads the Angiogenesis Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts, are looking at the power of certain foods to block angiogenesis.
Studies in the past have shown that men who eat cooked tomato products two to three times a week reduce their prostate cancer risk by about 50 per cent.