Valentine's Day is nearing and you may be thinking of a gift to your special one.

Here are some of Abkowitz's suggestions:
1. Send an e-Valentine in lieu of a paper Valentine. Hallmark and 123 Greetings are some of the many websites offering an electronic Valentine service. If sending a paper Valentine, be certain to send one that is printed on paper containing recycled-content. Don't forget to recycle Valentines you have received that you aren't keeping!
2. Give organic or locally grown flowers, a potted plant, a tree seedling or a perennial plant instead of the traditional bouquet of flowers.
3. Give organic or fair-trade chocolates. Organic chocolates are produced in an eco-friendly manner without the use of pesticides, and fair-trade chocolates ensure that cacao farmers work in healthy, sustainable and safe environments while receiving a fair wage for their products.
4. Make a donation to an environmental organization on behalf of your Valentine. Several organizations you might consider are the World Wildlife Fund, the Sierra Club and the Arbor Day Foundation.
5. Arrange dinner at a local restaurant that specializes in organic or locally grown food, or make your own romantic meal with locally grown ingredients. Eating locally reduces the number of miles that your food travels to you and supports local establishments. Cooking your own meal will also save gas and money while avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.