
Tips to Be Environment-friendly During Your Periods

by Iswarya on Jun 6 2019 2:50 PM

Using sustainable menstrual hygiene products like a menstrual cup or organic tampons and pads ensure that you are environment-friendly during periods.

Tips to Be Environment-friendly During Your Periods
While regular pads and tampons may seem like the most practical sanitary products to invest in, several alternatives such as menstrual cups, biodegradable sanitary napkins, and organic tampons have recently emerged on the market that is far more affordable, comfortable and environmentally-friendly.
Anupriya Kapur, Founder, Imbue and Deep Bajaj, Founder of PeeBuddy and Sirona, have shared some tips that can help you remain hygienic during periods.

  • Biodegradable sanitary napkins: Use biodegradable or cotton sanitary napkins or tampons during menstruation. They are good for your skin and lessen the itchy feeling and rashes.
  • Switch to sustainable, eco-friendly menstrual hygiene products like a menstrual cup or organic tampons. If not comfortable with inserting the product up your vagina, try reusable panties/cloth pads.
  • Don't dispose of your sanitary waste in plastic bags. Instead, wrap it in bio-degradable paper or use Oxo-degradable sanitary disposal bags.

For your own hygiene:

  • Switch to cotton underwear: Cotton is a breathable material and absorbs moisture. Try to restrict the number of hours spent in lacey or satin underwear.
  • Get out of sweaty clothes: Wet or damp clothes multiply the risk of bacterial infection in the intimate area. Take a shower and change into fresh and dry clothing post gym/working out or post any form of physical activity. If you can't shower after swimming or working out, at least change out of your bathing suit or sweaty clothes.
  • Don't forget to change your pad and tampon: With the invention of high-absorbency pads and tampons, it's easy to forget how important it is to change them regularly. But it's important to change pad or tampons every three-four hours.
  • No scented products: Douching is a practice of cleaning the vagina from inside which is unnecessary. You don't need to spray water or any chemicals inside to clean it. However, the external genital area/vulva requires gentle care. Use natural, scent free products, and stay away from anything which promises to make your vagina smell like a bed of roses.
  • Never use two pads simultaneously: Some women who experience heavy flow, tend to use two sanitary pads at one go to control the flow and prevent staining of clothes. This, however, is a bad idea as it can cause infections in the vaginal region. Stick to one and keep changing it often if the flow is more.










