
TV Watching Has a Strong Link With Dying Young, Study Says

TV Watching Has a Strong Link With Dying Young, Study Says
A new research claims watching television for more than 2 hours can double the risk of dying at a young age.
The research finds a strong link between television watching for 3 hours or more and potentially deadly diseases, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and cancer due to sedentary lifestyle associated with television watching.

The study was based on television viewing patterns of 13,000 Spanish people, their average age being 37 and of whom 60% were women.

The research lead, Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, said “Our findings are consistent with a range of previous studies where time spent watching television was linked to mortality,”

The study spanned a period of 8.2 years during which period 97 deaths from heart disease, cancer and others were recorded.

The findings revealed the risk of premature death due to television watching for three hours or more was double the risk of death due to television watching for one hour or less in participants.

Even after eliminating deaths due to poor health condition, eating of processed foods during television watching, factors such as age, gender, smoking history and others, a stronger link could be established between television watching and premature death. 

However, the study did not identify any association between computer usage/driving and premature death.

Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez added that as people age, sedentary behaviors would become more prevalent, especially television watching, and this posed an additional burden on increased health problems related to ageing.

He suggested increasing physical activities, avoiding long sedentary periods and reducing television watching time to less than 1 or 2 hours daily could combat the risks of early death.

The study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

