Older sisters act as confidants, support systems and mentors to their adolescent siblings while talking about their love life, reveals a new US study.

Sarah Killoren, an assistant professor of human development and family studies at MU and the study's lead author, said that her team's findings indicate that sisters play important roles as adolescent girls form ideas about romantic relationships and sexuality.
Killoren asserted that sisters are important communication partners when it comes to these sensitive topics.
Killoren said that older sisters should be included in family-oriented programs designed to help teens make better choices, such as abstaining from intercourse, practicing safe sex or developing healthy romantic relationships.
Killoren found sisters most frequently played the role of confidant by giving information about themselves and by asking for more information about their sisters' lives.
The disclosures made during their conversations revealed levels of intimacy between sisters, Killoren said.
Killoren explained that the mentor role was displayed when sisters served as role models for one another, most frequently by giving advice.
The study is set to be published in the journal Family Relations.