
Stress Triggers Headache: Study

by Anubha Sinha on Feb 21 2014 6:22 PM

A study says that mounting stress and migraine attacks are reasons behind headache experiences and this in itself can act as a cause of further stress.

 Stress Triggers Headache: Study
In the new fast-paced world today, stress has become a part of life which is now a major cause of headache and migraine, says a new research.
Researchers say it is all a vicious circle where stress causes headache and this state further leads to more stress.

Study author Sara H Schramm, MD, of University Hospital of University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, said, “The results add weight to the concept that stress can be a factor contributing to the onset of headache disorders, that it accelerates the progression to chronic headache, exacerbates headache episodes, and that the headache experience itself can serve as a stressor."

The researchers selected 5,159 people in the age group of 21 to 71 years for a two-year survey. They found out about the link between their stress levels and headaches four times a year. They rated stress level on a scale of zero to 100.

The stress level came up to 52 out of 100 for 31 per cent participants who exhibited tension-type headache. In case of migraine, the figure stood at 62 out of 100 and 14 per cent participants came under this category.

The study showed that 11 per cent had migraine combined with tension-type headache and the stress level for this category was 59.

The study also revealed that when the stress level went up, different types of headaches also increased. In case of headache caused due to tension, an increase of stress by 10 points increased the number of headache days per month by 6.3 per cent.

In case of migraine, the number of headache days per month went up by 4.3 per cent. And the figure was 4 per cent for headache triggered by migraine and tension.

"These results show that this is a problem for everyone who suffers from headaches and emphasise the importance of stress management approaches for people with migraine and those who treat them," said Schramm.

Another study has found that migraines are associated with stress and any kind of anxiety, tension and shock may cause migraine attack. It also said that people should learn ways to manage this by eating regularly and getting adequate sleep.












