
Stress can make you overweight

by Medindia Content Team on Sep 13 2001 2:39 PM

Over 45 and under too much of stress,a self-perpetuating cycle of factors can fuel the urge to snack at the wrong times. The resulting weight gain often piles up around the abdomen, which boosts the risk of heart disease and stroke.This applies to both sexes.

One doctor states, that people may be able to avoid the hazards of weight gain in midlife by learning when the body is vulnerable to stress and choosing the right sort of snacks. Dr. Pamela Peeke, a professor of medicine at the University of Maryland, says that the slowing metabolism of people over 45 makes them more vulnerable to stress, which releases hormones that stimulate both appetite and the storage of fat. The approach of menopause puts women even more at risk due to waning sex hormones.

Therefore people who near 40's should take care of their diet avoiding avoid refined starches like white bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. A high fibre diet, garins, fruits and vegetables is a better alternative and it also breaks the cycle that stimulates hunger.
