Speech analysis software helps predict psychosis and other medical disorders in at-risk youths with up to an accuracy of 83 percent.

‘Computer-based speech analysis can help diagnose psychiatric and other medical disorders accurately.’

This same computer-based language classifier was able to predict psychosis onset in a second at-risk cohort with 79 percent accuracy and could discriminate speech from individuals with psychosis from healthy individuals with an accuracy of 72 percent.

Taken together, the results from this study suggest that this technology has the potential to the improve prediction of psychosis and other disorders. The results of the study will be published online in World Psychiatry.
Disorganized thinking, a symptom of psychosis, is regularly assessed using interview-based clinical ratings of speech. It is characterized by tangential language, looseness of associations, and reduced complexity of speech. While it can be severe enough to impair effective communication, language disturbance is more typically a subtle but persistent feature that can be present before the onset of psychosis in young people at risk.
This study examined transcripts from interviews with at-risk young people in two different cohorts one in New York City with 34 participants and one in Los Angeles with 59 participants for whom psychosis onset within the next two years was known.
The transcripts were analyzed by computer using automated natural language processing methods to determine differences in speech between those who developed psychosis and those who did not.
"More broadly, language and behavior are the primary sources of data for psychiatrists to diagnose and treat mental disorders," said Dr. Corcoran.