
Fermented Soy Intake Linked to Lower Risk for Death

by Jeffil Obadiah on Mar 5 2020 9:44 PM

Fermented Soy Intake Linked to Lower Risk for Death
Soy is widely viewed as a healthful food. However, whether intake of soy products (unfermented and fermented) is associated with longer life expectancy is unclear. In this prospective population-based cohort study that involved 93,000 men and women (age range, 45–74) in Japan, researchers examined associations between soy intake and death.//

During 15 years of follow-up (in which 13,000 deaths occurred), total soy intake was not associated with all-cause death; however, fermented soy intake (e.g., natto, miso) was associated significantly and inversely with all-cause death in both men and women. In analyses adjusted for potentially confounding variables, all-cause death was 10% lower among people in the highest quintile of fermented soy intake than among those in the lowest quintile.

