Lijun Yin, Binghamton University researcher wants computers to be user-friendly.

Yin's team has developed ways to provide information to the computer based on where a user is looking as well as through gestures or speech. One of the basic challenges in this area is "computer vision." That is, how can a simple webcam work more like the human eye? Can camera-captured data understand a real-world object? Can this data be used to see the user and understand what the user wants to do?
Yin says the next step would be enabling the computer to recognize a user's emotional state. He works with a well-established set of six basic emotions - anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise and is experimenting with different ways to allow the computer to distinguish among them. Is there enough data in the way the lines around the eyes change? Could focusing on the user's mouth provide sufficient clues? What happens if the user's face is only partially visible, perhaps turned to one side?
Computers only understand zeroes and ones, Yin says. Everything is about patterns. We want to find out how to recognize each emotion using only the most important features.
He's partnering with Binghamton University psychologist Peter Gerhardstein to explore ways this work could benefit children with autism. Many people with autism have difficulty interpreting others- emotions; therapists sometimes use photographs of people to teach children how to understand when someone is happy or sad and so forth. Yin could produce not just photographs, but three-dimensional avatars that are able to display a range of emotions. Given the right pictures, Yin could even produce avatars of people from a child's family for use in this type of therapy.
We want not only to create a virtual-person model, we want to understand a real person's emotions and feelings, Yin says. We want the computer to be able to understand how you feel, too. That's hard, even harder than my other work.
Yin describes that health-care application and, almost in the next breath, points out that the same system that could identify pain might also be used to figure out when someone is lying. Perhaps a computer could offer insights like the ones provided by Tim Roth's character, Dr. Cal Lightman, on the television show Lie to Me. The fictional character is a psychologist with an expertise in tracking deception who often partners with law-enforcement agencies.
This technology, Yin says, could help us to train the computer to do facial-recognition analysis in place of experts.