
Smartphones With 'Mobile Wallet Apps' Is Now A Rise

by Bidita Debnath on Oct 16 2012 8:58 PM

With major payment processors like MasterCard and PayPal offering their own mobile wallet apps, the latest innovation of 'mobile wallets' for credit card payments is now a rise.

 Smartphones With `Mobile Wallet Apps` Is Now A Rise
With major payment processors like MasterCard and PayPal offering their own mobile wallet apps, the latest innovation of 'mobile wallets' for credit card payments is now a rise.
The new innovation eliminates the plastic covering of the phone and turns it into a digital payment portal.

As credit card companies and retailers seem to be banking on consumers finding the swiping and signing process far too time-consuming and tedious, they are trying to see a future in contactless payments, Fox News reports.

According to the report, when it comes time to pay, retailers may scan a bar code on the phone, consumers may tap their device on a reader or they may do nothing at all as the register and phone communicate automatically using 'near field communication' technology.

Regardless of the method, consumers are often free to go their way without swiping a card, entering a PIN or signing a receipt.

However, while mobile wallets can be convenient, they are limited by the number of retailers who are equipped to accept payments via the near field communication technology used by many apps, the report said.

A 2012 survey conducted by the Carlisle and Gallagher Consulting Group found that over 48% of respondents expressed interest in mobile wallet technology, while younger consumers between the ages of 18-50 and those in households earning more than 50,000 dollars a year were most interested in these mobile apps.

