A diet rich in anti-oxidants help reverse sun damage by fighting against the free radicals that cause damage to the skin cells.

The end of summer does not mean the end of your sunscreen routine. Up to 80 percent of UV radiation can penetrate light cloud cover which is why applying sunscreen is essential even during monsoon season. This will help prevent further damage to the skin.
A diet rich in anti-oxidants help reverse sun damage by fighting against the free radicals that cause damage to the skin cells. Ingredients such as berries, citrus fruits and vegetables protect the skin against sun induced allergies and damages. Also, the consumption of green tea helps neutralize free radicals and can even help in preventing wrinkles.
Face Repair Masks:
Indulge in face repair masks containing ingredients such as Arbutin which relieves the skin off the damage, vitamin C extracts that help in even skin tone. Argan oil is also a beneficial ingredient that reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Besides the regular cleansing-toning-moisturizing (CTM) ritual, exfoliation helps in smoothening the skin. Exfoliant remove old, dry, dead skin cells, toxins and other deposits and allow new skin cells to surface.
Choice of Skin Care Products:
Depending on the damage induced by the sun, choose skin care products that effectively tackle the issues. Use a water-based moisturizer to ensure a soothing effect on your skin. If you have sensitive skin, then rely on hypoallergenic products that are alcohol and paraben free.