
Reports of Unknown Disease ‘baseless’

by Medindia Content Team on Jan 23 2007 4:22 PM

The news that more than a dozen people have taken ill and have been hospitalized in Guangzhou, south China's Guangdong Province, is dismissed as ‘false’ and ‘ baseless’ by spokesman Xiong Yuanda of the Health Bureau of Guangzhou.

He further confirmed there was no infectious ‘unknown’ disease, doing the rounds in the city, as it is thought to be. This confirmation from the Health bureau has sought to dispel reports carried by a famous Hong-Kong daily that the Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou, had admitted and quarantined several patients ailing from an obscure illness, feared by experts to be SARS or bird flu.

"I don't know where they heard the news from, but I am certain the hospital did not admit any patients suffering from an unknown fever. Reporters from Hong Kong and Macao are welcome carry out interviews and take photographs here," Xiong said.

Tang Xiaoping, president of the hospital, also issued a confirmation that the hospital had not attended to contagious patients since January. He went on to say that most of the hospitalized were ailing from liver diseases, AIDS, or such other identifiable causes.

