REMPARK was developed to assess the level of impairment with those affected by Parkinson's disease and provide personalised care.

The project aims at achieving accurate results on each person’s level of impairment throughout the day and relies less on self-reporting of symptoms. The primary symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are, trembling of limbs, jaw, face; stiffness of the limbs, impaired balance and co-ordination.
The symptoms vary from one person to another and the monitoring system can help to decide on the medication regimens that are more appropriate to each person’s needs.
The application of REMPARK will improve management, treatment of the disease and the rehabilitation of patients. Patients will tend to be more independent and comply to medication as it will avoid hospital admissions.
Higher quality and more personalised care for Parkinson’s disease patients is possible if REMPARK is incorporated as a tool for diagnosis and monitoring of the disease in Europe. It will improve the healthcare system and increase the sustainability of the public resources used.