Individuals infected with MRSA superbug infection receive a beta-lactam antibiotic, which is one of the most common types of antibiotics.

‘A wrong choice of antibiotic can make MRSA infection worse compared to no treatment. Therefore, it is best to choose the treatment for MRSA superbug infection wisely.’

Beta-lactam antibiotics consist of a broad range of medicines including penicillin derivatives. They mostly work by damaging bacterial cell walls.

Lead scientist Dr George Liu, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, said, "Individuals infected with MRSA who receive a beta-lactam antibiotic - one of the most common types of antibiotics - could end up being sicker than if they received no treatment at all."
The scientists have discovered that using Beta-lactam antibiotics can fire up an immune response that triggers harmful inflammation. They conducted tests on mice to know about the changes taking place inside their body.
When MRSA bugs are exposed to the antibiotics, a gene in the microbe is activated that results in releasing of cell wall fragments. This action has led to worse skin infections in MRSA-infected mice.
"Our findings underscore the urgent need to improve awareness of MRSA and rapidly diagnose these infections to avoid prescribing antibiotics that could put patients' lives at risk," said George.