Parting from iPhone can have serious psychological and physiological effects on their users, and could result in poorer cognitive performance on tasks involving involve a great deal of attention.
Parting from iPhone can have serious psychological and physiological effects on their users, and could result in poorer cognitive performance on tasks involving involve a great deal of attention, according to researchers from University of Missouri.
During the study iPhone users were asked to solve simple word search puzzles. The researchers found a significant increase in anxiety, heart rate and blood pressure levels, and a significant decrease in puzzle performance (number of words found on word search puzzles) when the participants were separated from their iPhones as compared to when iPhone users completed similar word search puzzles while in possession of their iPhones.
Lead author of the study Russell Clayton said, “Our findings also suggest that iPhones are capable of becoming an extension of our selves such that when separated, we experience a lessening of self and a negative physiological state."