London’s Great Ormond Street Hospital is facing a lawsuit filed by the parents of an 11-year old girl who is alleged to have been injected with glue

Maisha was being given treatment for her blood vessels and had to undergo an angiogram in order to help the doctors ascertain the blood flow in her brain. Two syringes were used in the process, one containing a glue that was to be used in treating the blood vessels while the other contained a special dye for the angiogram.
The girl’s family alleges that the syringes were not labeled correctly, leading to a mix up that saw her brain injected with glue. Releasing a statement through their lawyer, the family said that the mix up has led Maisha require constant care. “I want to know that hospitals conducting these kind of procedures in the future will put adequate systems in place to make sure no child suffers in this way again”, the statement added.