The National Library of Norway said Monday that a copy of The Cave of the Silken Web , a classic Chinese film long thought to be lost, will be handed over to China by Norway.

Diplomatic relations between both countries have been tense since Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo was awarded in 2010 the Nobel Peace Prize, decided by the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
After deciding to go through its stock of around 9,000 old films in 2011, the National Library of Norway found a nitrocellulose copy of "Pan si dong" -- its original Chinese title. It was the first film from the Asian country to be screened in the Scandinavian kingdom.
It seems to be the only existing copy.
The film, inspired in a classic Chinese novel by Wu Cheng'en called "Journey to the West", was restored before being sent to the China Film Archive.
In the film, a pilgrim monk entrusted by an emperor to find some sacred Buddhist texts ends up trapped in the Cave of the Seven Spiders, who want to eat his flesh to become immortal.
"The translator took quite a few liberties and added his own comments in brackets when it suited him. This gives the film a comical twist," said Tina Anckarman, film archivist at the National Library of Norway.
Chinese authorities put on hold all high level bilateral contacts with their Norwegian counterparts after the Scandinavian country awarded Liu Xiaobo, considered a criminal by China, the Nobel Peace Prize.