
‘No Smoking’ Ban in Public Places Will free Scotland From The "sick man" Sobriquet

by Medindia Content Team on Mar 25 2006 12:36 PM

The Scots will wake up to a fresh dawn tomorrow - A ban that prohibits smoking in public places will be activated at the crack of dawn on Sunday. Scotland will also go down into the annals of British history, to be the first part of Britain to ban smoking in pubs, restaurants and workplaces. Possibly with the smoking ban, Scotland can strive to rectify its shameful public health record, which has easily given it the sobriquet "sick man of Europe".

This ban will carry a hidden goal, which promises to stop nearly 1000 deaths a year, on account of passive smoking. There is divided opinion on the ban, thought of as a move against the traditional lifestyle of the working class, who form the foundation of the Scottish society. There is also apprehension that the customers of pubs, will prefer to stay home, after the ban on smoking in bars, comes into force.
