Umbilical cord stem cells could be a new option for closure of cleft palate in infants, finds a new study.

‘New technique using umbilical cord blood stem cells could be a promising new approach for early repair of cleft palate in newborns.’
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Stem Cells Could Be New Option for Closure of Alveolar Cleft Dr. Botero, and colleagues report their experience with the stem cell procedure in an infant with cleft lip and palate, diagnosed by ultrasound before birth. The baby girl had an alveolar cleft, involving an area of bone where teeth are located.Read More..

Immediately after delivery, a sample of the infant's umbilical cord blood was collected to isolate stem cells, which were processed and frozen to preserve them for later use. Umbilical cord blood is a rich source of various types of stem cells, which have the potential to develop into many different types of specialized cells, including bone and cartilage.
"Since the age is that of the newborn, [umbilical cord stem cells] have a greater potential to regenerate the organism," Dr. Botero and coauthors write. For the first few months, the infant underwent a nonsurgical "nasoalveolar shaping" procedure to align the soft tissues of the upper jaw.
At age five months, the stem cells were thawed for use as part of "boneless bone grafting" surgery (gingivoperiostioplasty). The stem cells were placed in a pocket of soft tissue bridging the gap in the upper jaw. A small piece of absorbable biomaterial (Gelfoam) was used a scaffold to guide the growth of new bone across the cleft palate. This procedure was performed at the same time as surgery to correct the cleft lip (cheiloplasty).
Follow-up confirmed the formation of new bone to close the cleft palate, providing good position and support for the normal eruption of the teeth. Imaging scans when the patient was five years old showed the good thickness of the upper jaw bone in the area where the cleft had been.
The study is the first to use stem cells as part of primary surgery to repair cleft palate in an infant. Dr. Botero and colleagues note that their patient will need further monitoring to ensure adequate bone thickness in the upper jaw. The researchers emphasize the need for further studies evaluating their stem cell technique in a large number of patients - including steps to confirm that bone formation results from the stem cells, and not from the initial "boneless bone graft" surgery.