Snoring can wreck your relationship if you are not careful. A new device presented on Indiegogo is able to effectively mute the snoring sound.

‘Silent Partner is a device that doesn’t address snoring itself, but it detects snoring sound and emits inverse waves to cancel out the sound so that no one in the room gets disturbed.’

Snoring is the vibration of respiratory structures and the resulting noise due to obstructed air movement during breathing. In most cases, the sound may be soft, but in some cases, it can be loud and annoying. Snoring may be a sign, or first alarm, of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Studies say that snoring is a factor of sleep deprivation.

The Silent Partner functions in the same technology used in active noise canceling headphones. It is placed around the nose. The technology is nothing new, but it works across a wide sound spectrum of snoring and creates a sphere of noise cancellation around the snorer’s head.
The device is presented on Indiegogo and the developers will soon put the it into initial production.