XLS-Medical Fat Binder - the new anti-obesity drug costing 2 pounds helps you lose weight naturally, say researchers.

According to scientists, the pill also worked to help reduce food cravings and appetite. As the pill contains fibre, it helps dieters to feel fuller for longer.
The pill works by binding to dietary fat so that the body does not absorb it, thereby preventing the build up of fatty deposits.
A clinical study in October last year revealed that by taking two tablets three times a day after meals people could lower their daily calorie intake by as much as 500 calories.
Those taking the pill in the trial lost on an average around three pounds for every one-pound lost by those not taking it.
The pill is supported by the newly launched "123 hello me" online weight loss programme (123hellome.com), which offers a personal weight loss plan.XLS-Medical Fat Binder is not another fad diet or a miracle pill," spokeswoman Juliet Oosthuysen said.
"We genuinely believe it is a realistic programme and will help many people reach their 2012 weight loss goals," she added.