Youngsters in Mumbai donate sperm at the city's only sperm bank to help the barren couples.
Youngsters in Mumbai donate sperm at the city's only sperm bank to help the barren couples. According to Dilip Patil, Managing Director, Cryos International Sperm Bank, lot of precaution is taken while selecting the donors, because preserving of samples is a very critical operation. The bank will be liable not only to the donor but to the recipient clinics and the patients also.
The sperm banks also remunerate young donors with sums between Rs. 500 to 1000, and give them free reproductive health check-ups.
"It's a very good programme for our country, and also it's our responsibility to help other couples who do not have a child or the ability to produce," said Gaurav Chavan, a college student.
"It is not harmful and every Indian who are capable to donate their sperm, specially youngsters, must do it and must help the infertile couple," said Shailendra Singh, college student.