Once upon a time, school bags were used to carry a few books, pencils and a lunch box. But today's school bags are not without a laptop, an iPod and a few other cool gadgets.

"Things have changed a lot since I went to school with my HB pencil and lunch."
30 years ago schoolbags cost about 20 dollars and contained about 5 dollars worth of necessities: two pencils, a ballpoint pen, an eraser, an exercise book, a ruler and a lunch box.
Now, however, parents of high school students have to shell out 597 dollars on stationery, text books, art and craft materials and sport and music equipment, reveal data from the Australian Scholarships Group.
They may also need to pay an additional 1600 dollars to buy or rent a computer and pay for internet connection at home or school.
"Once kids get to high school they start wanting the most expensive branded bag or the branded sports gear," said Sharryn Brownlee, spokeswoman for the Parents and Citizens Associations of NSW.