In the US, cancer survivors who reported medical financial hardship had a more elevated mortality risk than cancer survivors without financial hardship

‘The findings underscore the protective effects of Medicare coverage and highlight the importance of comprehensive health insurance coverage in mitigating financial hardship for cancer survivors under 65.’

“Cancer survivors frequently experience medical financial hardship, however, little research has examined its associations with long-term health consequences,” said Dr. Robin Yabroff, scientific vice president, health services research at the American Cancer Society and lead author of the study. “Our findings show the need to address financial hardship to ensure that cancer survivors do not delay or forgo necessary care because they cannot afford it.” 

For this study, researchers identified more than 25,000 cancer survivors using data from the 1997-2014 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and NHIS Linked Mortality Files through 2015. Virtually all adults aged 65 years and older had health insurance coverage through Medicare because of age-eligibility. Adults younger than 65 years with financial hardship were less likely to have private health insurance coverage and more likely to be uninsured.
Survivors in both age groups with financial hardship had a higher adjusted mortality risk than their counterparts without hardship in adjusted analyses. Further adjustment for health insurance coverage reduced the magnitude of association of hardship and mortality among survivors younger than 65 years, but adjustment for supplemental Medicare coverage had little effect among survivors aged 65 years and older.
“Efforts to address financial hardship as part of oncology practice and survivorship care are needed.”
The American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), the advocacy affiliate of the ACS, has long advocated for policies to expand access to affordable, comprehensive health coverage given the proven link between insurance status and cancer outcomes.