
‘Marriage Squabbles’ bad for both Emotional and Physical Wounds

by Medindia Content Team on Dec 6 2005 5:05 PM

New York: Marriage quarrels and arguments can delay wound healing according to a new study by at least a day according to online edition of New Scientist.

. Researchers at Ohio State University College of Medicine found that couples who had heated arguments for about half hour daily can have delayed wound healing at least a day. Stress besides causing many health problems can also cause reduced body immunity.

42 married couples whose ages ranged from 22 to 77 years were studied. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser and her husband studied these couples and found that the wound healing among the ‘hostile couples’ was slow to heal in comparison to non-hostile couples. The wound healing was slower by 60 percent in the hostile couples. This delay could be longer if the hostility was longer than half hour.

This finding may throw some light on why do chronic wounds e.g. skin ulcers do not heal. If this study I further validated than psychological component may be needed to treat chronic ailments including chronic wounds.

They found the hostile relationships produced a different level of key immune chemical called interleukin-6 (IL-6). This cytokine is known to help in balance the healing process as increased levels help in stimulating the healing process, but if it is produced in excess it appears to delay the process.

Patricia Price at the Wound Healing Research Unit at Cardiff University, Wales, say about the study: 'This study was carried out on healthy people - a lot of them young. So imagine the effect on people who are elderly or already 'immunosuppressed''

'Some wounds, such as leg ulceration associated with diabetic foot disease, can take months to heal and the implications of stress for these people could be enormous,' she said.

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