International Institute of Health Management Research urged Maharashtra to spend more on health to overcome the lack of public health and medical facilities.

However, with the growing urbanization there is a need to look at the growing healthcare costs as well. The State needs to increase health spending to over Rs 74 billion (Rs 7,400 crore) by 2018, IIHMR said in a statement.
The State Government has allocated a sum of Rs 2,296 crore to the health sector in 2015-16.
Maharashtra's health budget needs to be a little more ambitious to overcome the lack of public health and medical facilities and fill in skill gaps of huge vacancies in rural hospitals and other centers as well as PHCs, it said.
The state should also look at investing in healthcare IT, which is expected increase by CAGR of 13.4 percent during 2015 to 2020, IIHMR said.
"According to the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) the average cost of hospitalization in India has risen from Rs 8,851 to Rs 24,436. The average cost of hospitalization in Maharashtra alone is Rs 20,475, of which 19.2 percent people have been utilizing the services of public hospitals and 80.8 percent of private hospitals," IIHMR-Delhi Dean Ashok K Agarwal said.