People who had urgent hospitalization experienced cognitive decline. But, those who were never hospitalized did not have cognitive decline.

‘Hospitalization may be an under-recognized risk factor for cognitive decline and dementia in a significant number of older adults

James and colleagues presented the research data at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in London on July 17.

Study compares hospitalization data and cognitive assessments for 930 older adults
The data emerged from a study of 930 older adults (75 percent female, an average age of 81 years old) enrolled in the Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP) in Chicago. The study involved annual cognitive assessments and clinical evaluations.
Information on hospitalizations was acquired by linking records of 1999 to 2010 Medicare claims for these participants with their MAP data. All hospital admissions were designated as elective, emergency, or urgent (the latter two were combined as non-elective for analysis). Non-elective hospitalizations thus include emergencies and admissions for conditions that require immediate attention.
Of the 930 participants, 613 were hospitalized at least once over an average of almost five years of observation. Of those who were hospitalized, 260 (28 percent) had at least one elective hospital admission, and 553 (60 percent) had at least one non-elective hospital admission. These groups included 200 participants (22 percent) who had both types of hospitalizations.
Non-elective hospitalizations were associated with an approximately 60 percent acceleration in the rate of cognitive decline from before hospitalization. Elective hospitalizations, however, were not associated with acceleration in the rate of decline at all.
'Elective admissions do not necessarily carry the same risk'
"We saw a clear distinction: non-elective admissions drive the association between hospitalization and long-term changes in cognitive function in later life, while elective admissions do not necessarily carry the same risk of negative cognitive outcomes," James said.
This work expands upon previous research which has shown that after being hospitalized, older adults are at high risk for memory and other cognitive problems, including both transient (temporary) delirium and long-term changes in cognition, including dementia.
Detection of dementia at the earliest stages has become a worldwide priority, because drug treatments, prevention strategies and other interventions will likely be more effective very early in the disease process, before extensive brain damage has occurred.
Research results reported at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference provide clues about associations between cognitive status in older people and several behavior and lifestyle factors, including verbal skill, hearing, dental health, and hospitalization.
"It is essential that we learn more about factors that impact risk for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, especially lifestyle factors that we can change or treat," said Maria C. Carrillo, PhD, Alzheimer's Association chief science officer.