A scientist has said that we are a lot closer to living robots than we may realize.

Philip K. Dick Andriod, built by Hanson Robotics, is a state-of-the-art robot with a large vocabulary, complex facial expressions, a sense of humour and something of an ego, ABC News reported.
He is, well, surprisingly human, not just in mechanics, but also in appearance.
Philip comes complete with hair, teeth and wrinkles. He can cock an eyebrow, smirk and respond to questions. It's one of the most advanced cognitive artificial intelligent projects in the world.
David Hanson of Hanson Robotics, Philip's creator, for lack of a better term, believes we are a lot closer to living robots than we may realize.
"Robots will someday, or maybe, wake up. They may be really smart. They may be as creative, smart and capable as human beings, and fully conscious, and self-discerning with free will. It might happen within 15 or 20 years," Hanson said.
Combining those features with the latest in A.I. technology produced Philip, named for the science fiction author Philip K. Dick, who died in 1982.