Gene sequencing of the basil plant identifies genes involved in producing therapeutic molecules and also the ways to create them in labs.

All parts of the herb - dried leaves, seeds and the whole plant - are used in Ayurveda, Greek, Roman, Siddha and Unani. Basil is known for its organic compounds like phenylpropanoids and terpenoids which are known to have therapeutic properties.
The gene sequence opens the possibility of identifying genes involved in producing therapeutic molecules and produce it in labs.
"This will also facilitate identification of not yet identified genes involved in the synthesis of important secondary metabolites in this plant. Specific pathway related genes identified or mined in this genome could be used for the production of secondary metabolites following synthetic biology approaches,” according to a statement by CSIR.
According to the researchers, the development of molecular tools and genomic resources will accelerate molecular breeding and ultimately the utility of basil in medical community.