The British, like most of us around the world, are unaware of the amount of salt consumed each day through their favorite foods!

A ‘Food IQ’ quiz designed to highlight levels of salt, sugar and saturated fat in popular foods was launched as part of the campaign for healthy living “ Change4Life”. Only three of the 2000 people who took part in the survey answered all the 12 questions correctly!!
While more than 50% of the people surveyed were not aware that the daily recommended quota of salt was only one teaspoon, eighty five per cent were blissfully unaware that a pre-packed ham and cheese sandwich contained more salt than a readymeal Chicken Tikka Masala, an Indian Curry. Most of those surveyed hardly knew that a fat-free strawberry yoghurt contains more sugar than a bowl full of cornflakes.
Eighty four per cent of those surveyed expressed a desire to lead healthier lives, nevertheless the scores were very low. Several factors, including time and cost, were preventing people from choosing healthier options.
The price of food was a major concern with more than half of the subjects opting for the food stuff which they are sure the whole family will eat, over fresh ingredients.
What people fail to realize is that it is extremely important to know the ingredients present in the daily family food. It is indeed a matter of great concern that fast foods, which help to facilitate our speedy lifestyle, contain high levels of salt, sugar and saturated (or unhealthy) fat and that we must not shut our eyes to this fact !
Some of the simple steps to healthier eating involves cutting down on saturated fats, eating fewer foods that contain white sugar, choosing low salt foods and prudently checking the label for the list of ingredients before you buy any ready-made food. Another wise move would be to cook food at home and reduce the frequency of ready- made food consumed.