Bleeding doesn’t have to be scary! Learn 8 simple and natural ways to stop it fast- some remedies may surprise you!
- Applying firm pressure and elevating the injured area are the fastest ways to stop bleeding
- Natural remedies like tea, ice, and petroleum jelly can help clot blood effectively
- Seek medical help if bleeding is excessive, continuous, or caused by a serious injury
Black tea bags can help stop bleeding thanks to tannins, which promote clotting! You could also apply pressure, elevate, and try home remedies like ice! But if bleeding won’t stop, seek medical help. #firstaid #bleedingcontrol #medindia ’

Top 8 Natural Ways to Stop Bleeding
Apply Pressure
The best approach to stop bleeding from a wound is to apply pressure. Using both hands, apply pressure to the wound using a clean, dry piece of cloth, towel, or bandage. Until the bleeding stops, apply constant, firm pressure. The healing process may be hampered if you check to see if the bleeding has stopped too soon.
Elevate the Wound
Raising the affected area will help stop the bleeding by reducing the blood flow. Just elevate the hand or arm above the head if it is injured. If a lower limb injury occurs, elevate the injured part above the level of the heart while lying down.
Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly is a common ingredient in cosmetics, such as lip balms and Vaseline products. It has a mixture of waxes and oils that can be applied to the skin to protect it. It's possible that boxing and martial arts fans have witnessed combatants applying petroleum jelly to their wounds. Additionally, it can be used as a home remedy to arrest bleeding. For shallow cuts, petroleum jelly works best to stop the bleeding. After the bleeding has stopped, clean the wound to get rid of any last bits of jelly and wipe the skin dry beforehand.
When ice is applied to a cut, the blood vessels constrict, accelerating the formation of a clot and halting the bleeding. The most effective method is to apply ice to the wound after wrapping it in a fresh, dry cloth.
After dental work, tea is a common treatment for bleeding (1✔ ✔Trusted Source
How to Use a Tea Bag to Stop Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction
Go to source). On the wound, place a black teabag that has been soaked and left to cool in the refrigerator. Because tea contains tannins, which are hemostatic- that is, they cause blood to clot- using teabags is effective. Astringents found in tannins cause blood arteries to narrow. Additionally, it is a type of antiseptic that eliminates bacteria and keeps the area infection-free (2✔ ✔Trusted Source
Topical green tea formulation with anti-hemorrhagic and antibacterial effects
Go to source).
Witch Hazel
Typically found in liquid form, Witch Hazel is a North American plant that may be easily found in pharmacies, some grocery shops, and online. Applying it to the wound is known to reduce external bleeding (3✔ ✔Trusted Source
Bleeding Wound: Top 10 Fastest Remedies To Cure Your Bleeding Wounds
Go to source). Since complementary medicines are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Association, it is crucial to utilize distilled Witch Hazel and purchase it from a reliable supplier.
Antiperspirant's aluminum chloride may help a wound clot by constricting blood arteries and reducing sweat glands. Aluminum chloride was found to be a quick and efficient method of controlling minor external bleeding (4✔ ✔Trusted Source
Efficacy and safety of aluminum chloride in controlling external hemorrhage: an animal model study
Go to source).
The alcohol in mouthwash functions as an astringent, promoting a faster blood clot when applied to a wound. Additionally, oral bleeding from dental procedures can be treated with aminocaproic acid (Amicar) (5✔ ✔Trusted Source
Antifibrinolytic therapy for preventing oral bleeding in patients with haemophilia or Von Willebrand disease undergoing minor oral surgery or dental extractions
Go to source). To avoid dislodging a clot, try not to swish the liquid about in your mouth. Most pharmacies and internet retailers sell mouthwash that contains alcohol.
Preventing Infection While Cleaning a Wound
To avoid infection, the incision must be kept clean long after the bleeding has ceased. Wash the area around the wound with soap after rinsing it with cool water. Keep soap away from the wound. Use tweezers to remove any dirt or debris that may be inside the wound. Before using the tweezers, it is crucial to wipe them with rubbing alcohol.When to Consult a Physician
A number of bleeding conditions can be considered potentially fatal, including:- If blood is spurting from the wound
- Blood is continuously leaking from the wound
- Blood accumulating on the ground
- Blood-soaked clothing
- Blood-soaked bandages
- Loss of all or a portion of an arm or limb
- When the bleeding victim loses consciousness or gets disoriented
A person should see their doctor even if the bleeding has stopped if:
- Injury was brought on by an animal or human bite
- The person has not received a tetanus vaccination in the last five years
- The wound may require stitches
- The dirt is difficult to clean
- There may be internal bleeding or shock
- There are indications of an infection
- How to Use a Tea Bag to Stop Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction - (
- Topical green tea formulation with anti-hemorrhagic and antibacterial effects - (
- Bleeding Wound: Top 10 Fastest Remedies To Cure Your Bleeding Wounds - (
- Efficacy and safety of aluminum chloride in controlling external hemorrhage: an animal model study - (
- Antifibrinolytic therapy for preventing oral bleeding in patients with haemophilia or Von Willebrand disease undergoing minor oral surgery or dental extractions - (