Spending time in the vicinity of nature such as walking or strolling in a leafy park may alleviate brain fatigue, claim researchers.

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh assessed the activity of human brain in twelve healthy adults with the aid of portable EEGs (Electroencephalograms), as they tread through different areas such as busy lane, park and a shopping district.
It was noted that as the volunteers walked through a park, a sense of relaxation prevailed in their minds and they felt calm and composed.
In today's world full of chaos and commotion, you need to take out some time and spend in open and natural settings.
Taking a break from the routine life is essential in order to have a sound health both mental and physical.
Such breaks from study or work will clear your head from all sorts of tension and confusion and will help you cope with the world in a better way.
Jenny Roe, the study supervisor stated that people should think about "going for a walk in a green space or even viewing green spaces from your office window".