
Can Romping Before a Cricket Match Rev Up Performance?

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Indian cricketers have been encouraged by their coach to have more sex.!

Indian cricket coach Gary Kirsten has stirred up a storm of debate and discussion. In a recent dossier known as ‘Vision document’, Kirsten has urged the Indian cricketers to rock and romp to improve their on –field performances.

According to the coach, sex “increases testosterone production, which causes an increase in strength, aggression and competitiveness”. He has encouraged his men in blue to go ahead and indulge.

Naturally this remark has made many an Indian cricketing visage to turn crimson, especially those of the younger ones like captain MS Dhoni.

However, the Aussie and English cricketers found their funny bone tickled -- they even expressed a desire to be coached by Kirsten!

Going Solo

Now if you have been feeling sorry for those eligible (and non eligible) bachelors in our famed cricket team, Kristen has an advise for them too.

In his vision document he prompts “If you want sex but do not have someone to share it with, one option is to go solo whilst imagining you have a partner, or a few partners, who are as beautiful as you wish to imagine”. Now this advice might come with a risk – that of a nagging pain in the wrist!

Sex & Sports- Status Quo

Sex before a game was forbidden amongst the sporting fraternity, because this particularly tempting indoor activity is believed to sap one of energy and diminish outdoor glory. Power sports, such as football and boxing, have always encouraged sexual abstinence.

A classic example was Mohammed Ali who boxed his way to eternal fame by abstaining from sex 6 weeks prior to a power- packed performance. He believed that abstinence from sex made men meaner and more aggressive – qualities that were quitessential for a sterling performance.

Several star footballers have been hauled up for their nocturnal excesses and their poor performances blamed on the same.

In the rural stretches of Northern India, the popular game of wrestling demands extreme sexual abstinence. The proponents of this game are required to refrain from even self stimulation in order to harness their physical energy towards sporting excellence.

This may appear to be an arena of the absurd but the recent emergence of world -class champs, such as Sushil Kumar, from these rural wrestling schools provides one with fodder for thought.

Sexologist Speak

India’s leading sexologist Prakash Kothari has no qualms in endorsing Kristen’s views. He equates sex to an indoor sport and recommends that a good sexual performance enhances outdoor abilities.

Prakash Kothari even pointed out that several Olympic gold medalists had sex, some even 30 minutes before a performance.

In this day and age of AIDS and other transmittable diseases, Kothari supports masturbation saying that it is better to go solo than to have sex with a stranger.

Sex Benefits

So why is there so much hue and cry over a very natural act of man that is propelled by a basic instinct?

Joy Davidson, PhD, a psychologist and sex therapist in New York says “the fact that sex has innumerable benefits comes as a surprise to many people. The idea that we are vital, sexual creatures is still looked at, in some cases, with disgust or in other cases, a bit of embarrassment. So to really take a look at how our sexuality enhances our life and our health, both physical and psychological, is eye-opening for many people."

Although going solo may provide temporary reprieve, a satisfying relationship with a healthy dose of sex (read intercourse) has more benefitscompared to any other form of sexual activity or interpersonal relationship.

There are unquestionable benefits of sexual intercourse and here are the top ten reasons why one should engage in sex before a major performance: -

Relieves stress and reduces diastolic BP

• Twice a week sex increases the level of IgA antibodies that help to boost immunity

Burns calories.

• Research has found that having sex at least twice a week decreased the risk of fatal heart attack by a half (in men) in comparison to those who indulged less than once a month

Self- esteem and feel -good factors are promoted

• Sex, and orgasm, increases the levels of the ‘love hormone’ Oxytocinwhich promotes intimacy, bonding and trust

• Endorphins are released during sex which helps to reduce pain

• Frequent ejaculations in young men is believed to reduce the risk of prostate cancer later in life

• Intercourse strengthens pelvic floor muscles in women and prevent urinary incontinence in them

• Sex promotes sound sleep

The Last Word

It is an undisputed fact that sex increases testosterone production which boosts aggression. However too much aggression may not work well for all and the ‘law of Kirsten’ must be applied with discretion depending on the personality of the subject and the sport. 

If a person is restless and tense before a game then a night of quiet lovemaking might calm his nerves. But if he is already relaxed and raring to go, all he may need is a good night’s rest.

Prakash Kothari says, “After all good sex with a good person in a good time in a good manner can be very satisfying. It can improve the efficiency of an individual in all spheres of life, including sport”.

It must be remembered that the foundation for excellence, sporting or otherwise, is a focused mind in a healthy body. Sex may be one among the several tools used to achieve this .The followers of eastern philosophy know that there are other ways too!

Meanwhile… Carry on dudes and keep romping!

Dr. Reeja Tharu/L











