12-14 percent of adults had type 2 diabetes and nearly 71,000 people die annually due to complications associated with diabetes in the US.

Results showed that 12-14 percent of adults had type 2 diabetes in 2012. 20 percent of Asian Americans had diabetes, with nearly 50 percent unaware of it. Also 22 percent of African Americans had diabetes, compared to 11 percent among whites. Nearly 23 percent of Hispanics and 20 percent of Asians were noted to have diabetes.
Researchers also noted that the proportion of undiagnosed diabetes was as high as 50 percent in Hispanics and Asian-Americans, while it was only about 33% in white and blacks.
"Diabetes prevalence significantly increased over time in every age group, in both sexes, in every racial and ethnic group, by all education levels, and in all poverty income groups,” said the researchers.
“When stratified by BMI, diabetes only increased among people with a BMI of 30 or greater. The one exception noted was among Asian-Americans where an average BMI of 25 defined diabetes, classifying them as overweight but not obese,” said the authors.