A combination of imaging and electroanatomical mapping to inject gene therapy at the site of ischemia has resulted in increased blood flow in treated areas.

‘Using a combination of electromechanical mapping and Positron Emission Tomography researchers have successfully directed intramyocardial gene therapy to the site of ischemia in the heart.’

Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, Kuopio University Hospital and University of
Eastern Finland (Kuo-pio, Finland), together with coauthors Antti
Kivelä, Antti Hedman, and Juha Hartikainen, and Antti Saraste and Juhani
Knuuti, from Turku University Hospital, Finland, describe their method
for targeted cardiac gene transfer in the article entitled "Intramyocardial
Gene Therapy Directed to Hibernating Heart Muscle Using a Combination
of Electromechanical Mapping and Positron Emission Tomography".

The researchers use a combination of electromechanical mapping with a NOGA system and positron emission tomography (PET) radiowater perfusion imaging to create two-dimensional bull's eye maps that guide the injection of the gene therapy into the heart muscle. They target a site that has suffered ischemic damage, but is viable as shown by reduced contractile ability, to achieve the best possible outcome.
"Dr. Ylä-Herttualla's milestone clinical trial results demonstrate how gene therapy for heart disease can be rendered much more specific," says Editor-in-Chief Terence R. Flotte, Celia and Isaac Haidak Professor of Medical Education and Dean, Provost, and Executive Deputy Chancellor, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester.