None of the fitness apps has been developed by a certified health organisation and there are no published data on effectiveness of apps for weight management.

‘The most popular fitness apps currently in the market are: fitbit, my fitness pal and Noom weight loss coach, and none of the apps identified has been developed by a certified health organisation or university.’

The mobile 'app' technology revolution offers new potential approaches for receptive, younger, people, who are vulnerable to obesity but currently 'hard-to-reach' for obesity prevention. In this study, Dr. Charoula Nikolaou, Catholic University of Louvain and Mike Lean, University of Glasgow assessed the current mobile apps market for weight management. 

They searched Apple iTunes App-store and Google Play Store, in US, UK, and Singapore using key words: 'weight', 'weight-management', 'calorie' to identify relevant apps, and recorded price, download-frequency, customer-rating and details about the app developer. A total of 3,013 available relevant apps were identified. A total of 666,169,136 downloads had been made.
Google Play Store had 2,196 apps (1,808 free) and Apple iTunes had 817 (352 free), available. Google Play Store had almost twice the proportion of apps available free of charge compared to Apple iTunes store. Identified apps' content was mainly on body weight, exercise and calorie intake recording and monitoring.
The most popular apps currently in the market are: fitbit, my fitness pal and Noom weight loss coach. The authors say: "As far as we can see, none of the apps identified has been developed by a certified health organisation or university. There are no published data on effectiveness of apps for weight management or weight-gain prevention, to date."
They concluded that transferring previously-tested, effective, professionally-designed online weight control materials into 'app' form would assure content-quality, for use and evaluation in clinical or public health settings. The study has been presented at European Obesity Summit 2016.