For the first time in 19 years, a new type of HIV known as subtype L of the HIV-1 M Group has been discovered. Current treatments for HIV are reportedly effective against the new strain, reports a new study.

‘The newly revealed HIV strain is in the same family of subtypes that caused the devastating global pandemic.’
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The findings, published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS), show the role next-generation genome sequencing is playing in helping researchers stay one step ahead of mutating viruses and avoiding new pandemics. Read More..

Since the beginning of the global AIDS pandemic, 75 million people have been infected with HIV, and 37.9 million people a day are living with the virus.
"In an increasingly connected world, we can no longer think of viruses being contained to one location," said Carole McArthur, Professor at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and one of the study authors.
Group M viruses are responsible for the global pandemic, which can be traced back to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in Sub-Saharan Africa.
To determine whether an unusual virus is, in fact, a new HIV subtype, three cases must be discovered independently.
Today, next-generation sequencing technology allows researchers to build an entire genome at higher speeds and lower costs.
"Identifying new viruses such as this one is like searching for a needle in a haystack," said Mary Rodgers, a principal scientist and head of the Global Viral Surveillance Program, Diagnostics, Abbott, and one of the study authors.
"By advancing our techniques and using next-generation sequencing technology, we are pulling the needle out with a magnet. This scientific discovery can help us ensure that we are stopping new pandemics in their tracks."