
Father Plays Key Role in Success of Children

by Kathy Jones on Sep 2 2013 9:44 PM

 Father Plays Key Role in Success of Children
A new study conducted by researchers at University of Western Australia suggests that children whose fathers are involved in their lives tend to be better behaved, have better social skills and more successful relationships compared to children whose fathers often work overtime.
The researchers said that involvement of fathers also leads to improved grades in schools, lower risk of obesity, suspension from schools, becoming a bully, taking drugs or engaging in risky sexual behavior.

The report said that while mothers often provided comfort in times of distress, fathers were responsible for teaching their kids on how to set limits, exercise habits, self control, how to face challenges and healthy diets.

“We shouldn't underestimate the vast importance of fathers in children's lives because of the significant impact fathers have on the social, cognitive, emotional and physical wellbeing of children from infancy … into their adult life”, the report said.

