Vigorous exercise may reduce the risk of death among adult survivors of childhood cancer.
Vigorous exercise may reduce the risk of death among adult survivors of childhood cancer, reports a new study. In the general population, a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise is associated with a reduced risk of death. It is unknown whether that applies to adult survivors of childhood cancer who have an elevated risk of death because of the late effects of cancer treatment.
‘Vigorous exercise may reduce the risk of death among adult survivors of childhood cancer. Increased exercise, i.e., an average of nearly 8 MET-hours per week over an eight-year period was linked to a lower risk of death compared with maintaining a low level of exercise.’
The study involved 15,450 adult survivors of cancer diagnosed before age 21 at hospitals in the United States and Canada between 1970 and 1999 and enrolled in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study.The study measures include self-reported vigorous exercise in metabolic equivalent task (MET) hours per week (exposures); all cause-mortality (primary outcome).
The study was an observational study. Researchers were not intervening for purposes of the study and cannot control all the natural differences that could explain the study findings.
The authors of the study were Jessica M. Scott, Ph.D., and Lee W. Jones, Ph.D., of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, and coauthors.
The study found that vigorous exercise for adult survivors of childhood cancer was associated with reductions in risk of death; in a subset of these survivors, increased exercise (an average of nearly 8 MET-hours per week) over an eight-year period was associated with a lower risk of death compared with maintaining a low level of exercise. The exercise was self-reported by a single item that evaluated only vigorous exercise which becomes the study limitation.