Researchers have run a new set of simulations and found that the location of matter in a galaxy is influenced by the energy released by individual stars within galaxies.

The first simulation to factor in the realistic effects of stars on their galaxies, FIRE results suggest that the radiation from stars is powerful enough to push matter out of galaxies.
Philip Hopkins, assistant professor of theoretical astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and lead author of a paper resulting from the project., said people have guessed for a long time that the 'missing physics' in these models was what they call feedback from stars.
He said when stars form, they should have a dramatic impact on the galaxies in which they arise, through the radiation they emit, the winds they blow off of their surfaces, and their explosions as supernovae.
A zoomed-in view of evolving stars within galaxies allows the researchers to see the radiation from stars and supernova explosions blowing large amounts of material out of those galaxies.
When they calculate the amount of matter lost from the galaxies during these events that feedback from stars in the simulation accurately accounts for the low masses that have been actually observed in real galaxies.