A Amoebic dysentery drug may prevent the rabies virus from spreading especially nerve to nerve, finds a new study.

Alpha herpes viruses, such as herpes simplex viruses, also enter peripheral nerve terminals and move along axons to the neuronal cell body, where they can lie dormant for the life of the host.
"Transport to the neuronal cell body is not a passive process, but an active one relying on the neuron's own motor proteins and microtubule tracks," said Lynn Enquist, Princeton's Henry L. Hillman Professor in Molecular Biology, a professor of molecular biology and the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, and the study's senior author. "Virus particles must engage this machinery for efficient transport in axons. Otherwise, the infection cannot start."
Enquist and colleagues previously found that alpha herpesviruses engage the neuronal transport machinery by stimulating protein synthesis at infected nerve terminals. Viral transport to the cell body can, therefore, be blocked by drugs that inhibit protein synthesis, as well as by cellular antiviral proteins called interferons.
In the current study, Enquist and colleagues investigated how the rabies virus engages the neuronal transport machinery. The researchers infected neurons with a virulent strain of the virus tagged with a red fluorescent protein, allowing the researchers to observe viral transport in real time by live-cell fluorescence microscopy.
The study was led by Margaret MacGibeny, who earned her Ph.D. in 2018, an associate research scholar Orkide Koyuncu, at Princeton, with contributions from research associate Christoph Wirblich and Matthias Schnell, professor and chair of microbiology and immunology at Thomas Jefferson University.
"We also couldn't detect increased protein synthesis in axons upon rabies virus infection," MacGibeny said. "But, to our surprise, we saw that a protein synthesis inhibitor called emetine efficiently blocked rabies virus transport to the cell body."
Other protein synthesis inhibitors did not block rabies virus transport, however, suggesting that emetine works by inhibiting a different process in infected neurons.
"Emetine has been used to treat amoebic dysentery," Koyuncu said. "In the laboratory, it is widely used to inhibit protein synthesis, but there are recent reports indicating that emetine has anti-viral effects that are independent of protein synthesis inhibition. Our study shows that this drug can inhibit rabies virus invasion of the nervous system through a novel mechanism that hasn't been reported before."
"The manuscript by MacGibeny et al. Both advances and complicates our understanding of how neurotropic viruses make their way from the axon terminus to the cell body," said Professor Glenn Rall, an expert in neurotropic virus infections at Fox Chase Cancer Center, who was not involved in the study. "Revealing variations in the axonal transport of neurotropic viruses, coupled with intriguing insights into new roles for well-known drugs, has both mechanistic and clinical implications for these life-threatening infections.
"Our next step is to figure out how emetine disrupts rabies virus transport in axons," Enquist says. "Does it inhibit cell signaling pathways after rabies virus entry, or does it directly block the recruitment of motor proteins to virus-carrying endosomes?"