World Rabies Day observed worldwide on the 28th September every year aims to raise awareness about rabies and its prevention in humans, as well as animals.
- World Rabies Day observed annually on the 28th September
hopes to create and spread awareness about rabies, a disease caused by the
rabies virus
- Humans get the disease following bite by infected animals, usually
dogs, whose saliva contains the virus
Importance of World Rabies Day
causes approximately 55000 deaths worldwide each year, with nearly 95 percent
of deaths occurring in Asia and Africa. Most of the deaths are due to dog bite, and sadly nearly half the deaths occur in children
less than 15 years. These deaths can very well be prevented by
educating the public and creating awareness
about the importance of vaccinating
pet and community animals and prompt vaccination of all persons
bitten by animals, assuming the animal is infected (unless we know that the
animal has been vaccinated against rabies).
the global conference on rabies elimination, held in 2015,
the various agencies involved such as the World
Health Organization, World Organisation for Animal Health, UN Food and
Agriculture Organization and GARC
agreed on the goal and theme for 2017 namely World Rabies Day 2017 –
Rabies, Zero By 2030
World Rabies Day – How it Came about
World Rabies Day was founded by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the
Global Alliance for Rabies Control (GARC) and held the inaugural campaign on the 7th September 2007 in which 74
countries took part.
2008, the World Rabies Day is observed
on the 28th September in honor of the death anniversary of Louis
Pasteur who developed the first effective rabies vaccine. Since then it has
become a global event with the World Health Organization (WHO) supporting the
The logo of the World Rabies Day is a
globe in blue and green. The green shapes in the globe are that of a bat (left), human (center),
and dog or canine figure (right). The words “World Rabies Day” and the event’s date is typed
in black, around the outer aspect of the globe. These details are enclosed
within a black circle around them, completing the symbol.
of Creating Awareness about Rabies and its Prevention
The aim of World Rabies Day is to raise
awareness about rabies and its prevention to the global population, with
special focus on Asia and Africa where the disease is still a major cause for
concern. Some of the ways of achieving this include the following
- Obtaining information leaflets,
posters and other educational resources on rabies from the web online and
distributing it to the public in person in public spaces such as parks and
shopping malls.
- Resourceful individuals can create
their own educational material and posters and distribute it in their neighborhood
and share it on social media.
- Events can be organized in the
community including schools and health centers with messages displayed
prominently and distribution of educational materials to the public
- Using the social media such as
Facebook and Twitter to share and spread the symbol and message of World
Rabies Day to as many people as possible
- Putting out ads and messages about
World Rabies Day and prevention of rabies in the print media as well as
radio and television highlighting the theme and message
- Doctors and health personnel,
especially those working in endemic areas are encouraged to access these
materials from the internet and use them effectively to educate their
community about rabies and its prevention.
- Pet clinics can offer subsidized
vaccinations for pets and urge owners to vaccinate their pets
- The government and local
administration should also get actively involved in the campaign to
eliminate rabies by 2030 by ensuring community animals and street dogs are
- Awareness walks, runs and bike rides
may be held to spread the awareness of the disease in the community.
Over the years,
since its inception in 2007, rabies awareness has increased in Asia and Africa and 1700 events have been officially
registered in the 10 years of its observance. The Food and Agricultural Organization
of the UN has recognized the importance of World Rabies Day in spreading the
message among the public as well as the administration in control and
prevention of rabies.
Rabies – In Brief
Rabies is a zoonotic (spread from animals to
humans) caused by the rabies virus. Humans are infected by the bite of infected
animals, usually dogs. The virus spreads from the blood to reach the brain and
causes acute encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).
Initial symptoms of rabies in humans
include a pricking or itchy sensation at the site of bite associated with fever, tiredness and
muscle pain. Within a few days, it progresses to symptoms of brain
involvement such as confusion, anxiety and agitation. With progression, there
may be delirium, abnormal behavior, hallucinations and sleeplessness.
The disease is almost invariably fatal in
humans unless postexposure prophylaxis (i.e. administration of antirabies
vaccination following dog or animal bite) is given promptly before the disease
becomes symptomatic.
- World Rabies Day - (
- World Rabies Day - 28th September - (