WHO's report highlights drowning as a global issue, urging action. Initiatives like KAVACH aim to protect children, especially in vulnerable areas, through structured supervision and save lives.

Launch of the Global status report on drowning prevention 2024
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‘Did you know?
Over 236,000 lives are lost every year due to #drowning. #drowningprevention #WHO #medindia’

The report was launched on 14th December 2024 to address the global health issue. Drowning is a silent epidemic, taking thousands of lives, particularly young children in vulnerable regions around the world. Over 236,000 lives are lost every year due to #drowning. #drowningprevention #WHO #medindia’

KAVACH: Protecting Children from Drowning
Drowning has become the leading cause of death for children aged 1-9 years in Indian Sundarbans. Young people living in the Delta region are at risk of drowning as they live near water.KAVACH is an initiative by the Child in Need Institute, The George Institute, and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to save lives recommended by WHO. The program helps to save children under five from drowning while fostering their growth and development.
The George Institute for Global Health supports the report’s recommendations and emphasizes the need for immediate action to save innocent lives. The George Institute calls on governments, policymakers, and stakeholders to prioritize drowning prevention by implementing structured supervision programs, community-led initiatives, and evidence-based interventions.
WHO Calls for Action to Prevent Drowning
With over 236,000 lives lost every year due to drowning, the WHO report highlights the urgent need for coordinated action to address this preventable cause of death.Advertisement
- Launch of the Global status report on drowning prevention 2024 - (https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2024/12/13/default-calendar/launch-of-the-global-status-report-on-drowning-prevention-2024)