Among diabetes patients mandated enrollment in a high-deductible insurance plan was associated with delays in seeking care for concerning symptoms of blood vessel disease such as cardiac chest pain and transient ischemic attack.

‘Diabetes patients who are switched to high-deductible health plans change their health care behavior in response to the increased out-of-pocket costs they face for medical services.’

Study results show that, among individuals with diabetes, mandated enrollment in a high-deductible insurance plan was associated with delays in seeking care for concerning symptoms of blood vessel disease such as cardiac chest pain and transient ischemic attack. The researchers also found delays in diagnostic testing for such symptoms, and delays in treatments to open the arteries that supply the heart, brain, and legs. 

"Further research should determine if these delays increase adverse events such as heart attacks, strokes, and amputations," said Frank Wharam, lead author and Associate Professor of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute. "Policymakers, health insurers, and employers might find our results useful in designing health insurance plans that prevent the types of delays we detected."